Shadow Healing ~ Start Your Journey

Biggest Shadow.JPG
Biggest Shadow.JPG

Shadow Healing ~ Start Your Journey

Sale Price:$45.00 Original Price:$60.00

The very first step towards Spiritual Development - Spiritual Ascension for your body, mind and soul.

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Welcome to Shadow Healing Self-Study!

Do you know your subconscious? Do you know your body consciousness? We have separated consciousness in our lower realms that need more light and healing. Once you are able to recognize them and willing to face them, you are able to start co-create your reality that you desire to experience. This is a journey that you will choose to accept or not. Every negative or unpleasant experience has an important message. There is something for you and your shadow self to learn from it.

This is a self-study course for those who cannot come to the class. You will be able to complete this class from your home at your own pace. You also have an option to be a part of group if you wish to be in a sharing environment.
Each week, you will learn more about your Shadow and Spiritual mechanics behind it, and the techniques to address your healing needs.

Thank you for healing yourself and your world!

much love to you,