Meet Your Mentor

Spiritual Science Series 4



your Spirit Guide

Meet Your Guide (SSS 4)

SUNDAY December 27th 6pm-8pm

Your Spirit Guide (also called The Mentor) will always be with you, guide you, and protect you. By filling a perceptional gap, you may gain a more clear access to your own guide. As you grow spiritually, your guide also grows with you. At a certain point in your life, your guide will change based on your level and needs. Have you received a critical message about your health, birth/death of your family, or warning of danger approaching? Those are not random messages. Some people go through their lives without knowing their guides. During a chaotic period, it is so comforting and assuring when you meet your guide - they know you intimately well, and you know them too. In this class you will gain a more tangible clue to your guide and experience it directly with a guided meditation.

This is one of critical skill sets for those who are in healing practice, empaths, and/or trauma victims. This class is specifically design for those who seek spiritual clarity and guidance. It is also effective for those who experience anxiety, depression, concern towards general well-being.

You will learn how to navigate

  • your life path

  • negative thought

  • feeling of gap (anxiety, depression, loneliness, and anger)

  • emotional swing

  • challenging situations

You will gain

  • higher perceptional senses

  • clarity in your life

  • sense of certainty

  • feeling of being loved

  • sense of being guided by higher power

Cost $44 Register

Recommended Classes SSS 1, SSS2, and SSS3